19. Januar 2010 09:32
19. Januar 2010 10:27
19. Januar 2010 10:36
19. Januar 2010 10:40
Use this function to clear all internal variables (except REC variables), keys, and filters in the object and in any associated objects, such as reports, forms, codeunits, and so on that contain C/AL code. CLEARALL works by calling CLEAR repeatedly on each variable. However, this is not the case with codeunits, where the CLEARALL function works by calling CLEARALL inside the codeunit. It deletes the contents of the codeunit, whereas CLEAR only deletes the reference to the codeunit.
CLEARALL does not affect or change values for variables in single instance codeunits.
19. Januar 2010 11:45
McClane hat geschrieben:Das Angebot gibt auch noch CLEARALL her.
19. Januar 2010 12:21
19. Januar 2010 12:44
Fishburn hat geschrieben:Löscht jetzt ClearAll alle Globals oder hab ich da was falsch verstanden?