18. Januar 2018 18:15
function Split-NAVObjectFileWithDocuTrigger
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Function Get-FileName($initialDirectory)
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.windows.forms") | Out-Null
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.filter = "NAV Object Files (*.txt)|*.txt"
$OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
$inputfile = Get-FileName "C:\temp" # This is the default path in OpenFile window.
if ($inputfile -eq "") {throw 'Please select a file'}
[decimal]$filesize = ((Get-Item $inputfile).length/1MB)
$filesize =[math]::round($filesize,2)
$TotalLineCnt = $inputfile.count
$inputfile = resolve-path $inputfile
$WorkingFolder = Split-Path -Parent $inputfile
if (Test-path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\")
{Remove-Item -path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\" -Recurse -Force}
Write-Host "Splitting NAV objects from $inputfile (Size: $filesize MB) to $WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\, this may take a while..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$startime = date
$fs= New-Object System.IO.FileStream($inputfile,"OpenOrCreate", "Read", "ReadWrite",8,"None")
$Sr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($fs,[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
[int]$ObjCnt = 0
[int]$TabCnt = 0
[int]$PagCnt = 0
[int]$RepCnt = 0
[int]$CodCnt = 0
[int]$XmlCnt = 0
[int]$ForCnt = 0
[int]$DatCnt = 0
[int]$QueCnt = 0
[int]$MenCnt = 0
[int]$PosCnt = 0
$LastLine = ''
$FilesWithDocTrigger = @{'File' = 'FilePos'}
while (-not $Sr.EndOfStream)
$Currline = $sr.ReadLine()
$fsr = $sr.BaseStream
if ($Currline.StartsWith('OBJECT'))
$HasDocuTrigger = $false
[String]$ObjectChar = $Currline.Substring(7,1)
$ObjectLine = $currline.Split(' ')
[int]$ObjposCnt = 0
Switch ($ObjectChar)
'T' {$TabCnt++}
'P' {$PagCnt++}
'R' {$RepCnt++}
'C' {$CodCnt++}
'X' {$XmlCnt++}
'F' {$ForCnt++}
'D' {$DatCnt++}
'Q' {$QueCnt++}
'M' {$MenCnt++}
$ObjectFileName = $ObjectLine[1].Substring(0,3).ToUpper() + $ObjectLine[2] + ".TXT"
$Objectfile = New-Item -path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$ObjectFileName" -type file -force
IF (Test-Path $ObjectFile) {Remove-Item $ObjectFile}
$sw = new-object System.IO.Streamwriter($Objectfile,$false,[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
if ($CurrLine -eq ' BEGIN')
$LastBeginPosInObj = $ObjposCnt
if (($Currline -eq ' END.') -and ($LastLine -eq ' BEGIN'))
$sw.writeline(' {')
$sw.writeline(" (c) Global Software Enterprises, all rights reserved" )
$sw.writeline(" ------------------------------------------------")
$sw.writeline(' }')
$sw.writeline(' END.')
$LastLine = $CurrLine
elseif (($Currline -eq ' END.') -and ($LastLine -ne ' BEGIN'))
$Lastline = $CurrLine
$HasDocuTrigger = $true
[int]$SplitFileAtLine = $LastBeginPosinObj
elseif (-not $Currline.StartsWith('}'))
# normal line
$Lastline = $CurrLine
# final line
$Lastline = $CurrLine
# End of splitted object file
if ($HasDocuTrigger)
$ObjposCnt = 0
$endtime = date
$time = $endtime - $startime
Write-Host "$ObjCnt NAV objects splitted to $WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\ in $($time.Minutes)m:$($time.Seconds)s:$($time.Milliseconds)ms" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Tables: $TabCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Pages: $PagCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Reports: $RepCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Codeunits: $CodCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "XMLPorts: $XMLCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "MenuSuites: $MenCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($ForCnt -gt 0)
{Write-Host "Forms: $ForCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
if ($DatCnt -gt 0)
{Write-Host "Dataports: $DatCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
Write-Host "Files with existing documentation triggers +++ Line number at top of trigger section" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
$FilesWithDocTrigger.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
foreach($FilesWithDocTr in $FilesWithDocTrigger.Keys)
if (${FilesWithDocTr} -ne 'File')
#Write-Host "${FilesWithDocTr}: $($FilesWithDocTrigger.Item($FilesWithDocTr))"
Write-Host "Adding new section to existing documentation trigger in ${FilesWithDocTr}" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$sr2 = new-object System.IO.StreamReader("$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr",[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
$ObjectFileName2 = $FilesWithDocTr + ".tmp"
$Objectfile2 = New-Item -path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$ObjectFileName2" -type file -force
IF (Test-Path $ObjectFile2) {Remove-Item $ObjectFile2 -Force}
$posCnt2 = 0
$sw2 = new-object System.IO.Streamwriter($Objectfile2,$false,[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
while (-not $Sr2.EndOfStream)
[int]$DocPosLine = $FilesWithDocTrigger.get_item($FilesWithDocTr)
$Currline2 = $sr2.ReadLine()
if ($posCnt2 -ne ($DocPosLine + 2))
$sw2.writeline(" (c) Global Software Enterprises, all rights reserved")
$sw2.writeline(" ------------------------------------------------")
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
IF (Test-Path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr") {Remove-Item "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr" -Force}
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
IF (Test-Path $ObjectFile2) {Rename-Item $ObjectFile2 -NewName "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr" -Force}
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
if ($sw2.BaseStream)
if ($sr2.BaseStream)
Invoke-item "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\"
20. Januar 2018 01:04
$AddBottomSection = $false
function Split-NAVObjectFileWithDocuTrigger2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$AddBottomSection = $true
Function Get-FileName($initialDirectory)
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.windows.forms") | Out-Null
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.filter = "NAV Object Files (*.txt)|*.txt"
$OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
$inputfile = Get-FileName "C:\temp" # This is the default path in OpenFile window.
if ($inputfile -eq "") {throw 'Please select a file'}
[decimal]$filesize = ((Get-Item $inputfile).length/1MB)
$filesize =[math]::round($filesize,2)
#$TotalLineCnt = $inputfile.count
$inputfile = resolve-path $inputfile
$WorkingFolder = Split-Path -Parent $inputfile
if (Test-path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\")
{Remove-Item -path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\" -Recurse -Force}
Write-Host "Splitting NAV objects from $inputfile (Size: $filesize MB) to $WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\, this may take a while..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$startime = date
$fs= New-Object System.IO.FileStream($inputfile,"OpenOrCreate", "Read", "ReadWrite",8,"None")
$Sr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($fs,[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
[int]$ObjCnt = 0
[int]$TabCnt = 0
[int]$PagCnt = 0
[int]$RepCnt = 0
[int]$CodCnt = 0
[int]$XmlCnt = 0
[int]$ForCnt = 0
[int]$DatCnt = 0
[int]$QueCnt = 0
[int]$MenCnt = 0
[int]$PosCnt = 0
$LastLine = ''
$FilesWithDocTrigger = @{}
$FilesWithDocTriggerPeriodEnd = @{}
while (-not $Sr.EndOfStream)
$Currline = $sr.ReadLine()
#$fsr = $sr.BaseStream
if ($Currline.StartsWith('OBJECT'))
$HasDocuTrigger = $false
[String]$ObjectChar = $Currline.Substring(7,1)
$ObjectLine = $currline.Split(' ')
[int]$ObjposCnt = 0
Switch ($ObjectChar)
'T' {$TabCnt++}
'P' {$PagCnt++}
'R' {$RepCnt++}
'C' {$CodCnt++}
'X' {$XmlCnt++}
'F' {$ForCnt++}
'D' {$DatCnt++}
'Q' {$QueCnt++}
'M' {$MenCnt++}
$ObjectFileName = $ObjectLine[1].Substring(0,3).ToUpper() + $ObjectLine[2] + ".TXT"
$Objectfile = New-Item -path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$ObjectFileName" -type file -force
IF (Test-Path $ObjectFile) {Remove-Item $ObjectFile}
$sw = new-object System.IO.Streamwriter($Objectfile,$false,[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
if ($CurrLine -eq ' BEGIN')
$LastBeginPosInObj = $ObjposCnt
if ($CurrLine -eq ' END.')
$EndPeriodPosInObj = $ObjposCnt
if (($Currline -eq ' END.') -and ($LastLine -eq ' BEGIN'))
# create new trigger
$sw.writeline(' {')
$sw.writeline(" (c) Global Software Enterprises, all rights reserved" )
$sw.writeline(" ----------------------------------------------------")
$sw.writeline(' }')
$sw.writeline(' END.')
$LastLine = $CurrLine
elseif (($Currline -eq ' END.') -and ($LastLine -ne ' BEGIN'))
# existing trigger
$Lastline = $CurrLine
$HasDocuTrigger = $true
[int]$SplitFileAtLine = $LastBeginPosinObj
elseif (-not $Currline.StartsWith('}'))
# normal line
$Lastline = $CurrLine
# final line
$Lastline = $CurrLine
# End of splitted object file
if ($HasDocuTrigger)
$ObjposCnt = 0
$endtime = date
$time = $endtime - $startime
Write-Host "$ObjCnt NAV objects splitted to $WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\ in $($time.Minutes)m:$($time.Seconds)s:$($time.Milliseconds)ms" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Tables: $TabCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Pages: $PagCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Reports: $RepCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Codeunits: $CodCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "XMLPorts: $XMLCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "MenuSuites: $MenCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($ForCnt -gt 0)
{Write-Host "Forms: $ForCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
if ($DatCnt -gt 0)
{Write-Host "Dataports: $DatCnt" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
Write-Host "Files with existing documentation triggers + Line number at top of trigger section" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
$FilesWithDocTrigger.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
foreach($FilesWithDocTr in $FilesWithDocTrigger.Keys)
#Write-Host "${FilesWithDocTr}: $($FilesWithDocTrigger.Item($FilesWithDocTr))"
if ($AddBottomSection) {$Plural = '(s)'}
Write-Host "Adding new section$Plural to existing documentation trigger in ${FilesWithDocTr}" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$sr2 = new-object System.IO.StreamReader("$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr",[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
$ObjectFileName2 = $FilesWithDocTr + ".tmp"
$Objectfile2 = New-Item -path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$ObjectFileName2" -type file -force
IF (Test-Path $ObjectFile2) {Remove-Item $ObjectFile2 -Force}
$posCnt2 = 0
$sw2 = new-object System.IO.Streamwriter($Objectfile2,$false,[system.text.encoding]::GetEncoding(850))
while (-not $sr2.EndOfStream)
[int]$DocPosLine = $FilesWithDocTrigger.get_item($FilesWithDocTr)
[int]$DocPosEndLine = $FilesWithDocTriggerPeriodEnd.get_item($FilesWithDocTr)
$Currline2 = $sr2.ReadLine()
if (($AddBottomSection) -and ($posCnt2 -eq ($DocPosEndLine -2)))
# bottom section
$sw2.writeline(" ---------GLOBAL SOFTWARE ENTERPRISES---------")
$sw2.writeline(" ---------ADDON MODULE VERSION----------------")
$sw2.writeline(" XYZ ABC 1.2.3")
elseif ($posCnt2 -ne ($DocPosLine + 2))
# top section
$sw2.writeline(" (c) Global Software Enterprises, all rights reserved")
$sw2.writeline(" ------------------------------------------------")
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
IF (Test-Path "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr") {Remove-Item "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr" -Force}
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
IF (Test-Path $ObjectFile2) {Rename-Item $ObjectFile2 -NewName "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\$FilesWithDocTr" -Force}
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
if ($sw2.BaseStream)
if ($sr2.BaseStream)
Invoke-item "$WorkingFolder\SPLITNAVOBJCPYRT\"